Dessert of the Month: Kouklet Bakehouse

Our July Dessert of the Month vendor offers a unique take on Brazilian treats from her roots of growing up in Brasilia. From baked goods to her iconic Cake Rolls of all different flavors, you do not want to miss this month of boxed treats! Kouklet Bakehouse is a Brazilian Bakehouse, that hails from Brazil's young capital and regional melting pot, Brasilia. Their goal is to transport people to Brazilian culture with each bite of the layered, buttery and beautifully balanced Cake Rolls (known in Brazil as "bolo de rolo").  We have been so lucky to have Kouklet be a #dessertgoalsalumni! Don’t forget to sign up by July 15th to receive July’s box! Sign up here.


Our July Vendor offers a unique take on Brazilian treats from her roots of growing up in Brasilia. From baked goods to her iconic Cake Rolls of all different flavors, you do not want to miss this month of boxed treats, which will feature Cake Rolls + more surprise desserts!

1)    What is the origin story of Kouklet Bakehouse?

“I didn't know it at the time, but Kouklet started in my heart when I was four years old and living in Brazil's capital, Brasilia. At that age, I played with flour so much that my Grandmas would often find me in cupboards, covered in a powdery mess with a smiley face. Being from totally different states in Brazil, my Grandmas raised me with a slew of different recipes, and these memories remain key to Kouklet. I started a version of the company in Kouklet after culinary school, and after a journey through culinary school, a few different restaurants, I transferred it here to Philadelphia so that I can share Brazil's pastries with the world.” 

2) Tell us about your core team members. How do you all play a role and use your individual strengths to work together?

“ Right now it's me, my husband, and my sister. I basically run the show: creating recipes, testing products, managing inventory, marketing online, and fulfilling orders. My husband is a lawyer with a business background, and in between his job he's my sounding board, editor, and consultant. My sister is really talented in art procurement, so besides helping me in the kitchen and at pop up markets, she taste tests, helps me design marketing campaigns, and helps me research Brazil's history to mine for inspiration.”

3) What was one obstacle that you overcame in the beginning stages of opening your business?

“Where to begin?! Uprooting my whole life from Brasilia to the US is probably the biggest one to mention. Other than that, I still face many obstacles as a startup founder, like translating original recipes to locally sourced recipes, and teaching my customers about each pastry, and maintaining a conversation with my supporters. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would say persistence. Becoming unwaveringly persistent has been my constant challenge since the beginning.”

4) How do your Brazilian roots inspire the baked goods and desserts that you love to make?

“I grew up cooking with my two Grandmas, who like everyone in Brasilia, are from two very different heritages. Kouklet is their legacy. My Grandma Isaura's heritage is from Bahia, of predominantly African influence, featuring intense, spicey and deep flavors . My other Grandma, Alcineia, is from the comfort food capital of the country, Minas Gerais, with its unique cheeses, fruit compotes, and home-style cakes. Their cooking styles drive my recipes, but ultimately, since Brasilia is such a young state and so attractive for work, it is a cultural melting pot. It is also home base for all of the congressmen representing each state of the country.  This makes Kouklet a capable food ambassador for the entire country, and my goal is to share nearly everything about the country through Kouklet's pastries.”

5) Where do you get inspiration for the different flavors of your cake rolls?

“Brazilian history and other cultural legacies I learn about. For example, the classic guava is from its original state, Pernambuco, where Portuguese settlers had to adapt their original cake roll by filling it with guava instead of the nuts they used in Portugal. Another example is the Double Chocolate, very rich buttery chocolate cake filled with Brigadeiro. Brigadeiro is chocolate soft truffle, a staple sweet in each kid's party in Brazil.”

6) In three words, how would you describe your brand?

“Intrinsic, Brazilian, Quality”


To see more from Kouklet Bakehouse and taste their delicious treats, follow them on social and visit their website.



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