Dessert Goals Alumni Vendor Feature: Mini Melanie

Have you participated in Dessert Goals before. If so, when did you attend Dessert Goals?

The first ever Dessert Goals

How did you get your start? 

Before Mini Melanie, I worked in the pastry departments at Babbo and at Blue Hill Stone Barns. These years taught me a ton about pastry and helped shape the brand I'd one day create.

In three words, how would you describe your brand?

Celebratory, Indulgent, Joyful

What’s your favorite treat to make on your menu? And why?

Our funfetti cake truffles are the sweetest, cutest little bites. We hand-paint the truffle molds with five splatter painted colors, and inside is delicious birthday cake filling.

What’s the best dessert you’ve ever eaten?

My grandma's plum cake. Our vanilla cake recipe is based on her's.

Where do you find your inspiration for creating new treats? 

From NYC, where I'm from. From art - I grew up oil painting as a hobby. From the restaurants I worked in. From my love of France and the year I spent working in a kitchen there. 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a food business?

Don't give up! It's very challenging especially at the beginning. All that elbow grease and late nights of recipe testing and playing around with all matters of things will pay off if you give it your all.

If you can, please share a step-by-step recipe or some baking tips for our readers. Since the recent Covid-19 crisis, we've started how-to videos on our instagram with a recipe log here for following along.

To learn more about Mini Melanie, follow them on social and visit their site!


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